School of Greatness – Interview with Bryan Johnson

At first I just thought this was a high level business podcast and not really that relevant to me at this time in my life, that this speaker was way beyond me.  But right near the end Lewis asked Bryan Johnson what he was most grateful for and it was “the opportunity to work on hard things” and that he craved hard work and hard problems.

That stopped me in my tracks.  I listened to this podcast yesterday but the whole of the walk this morning, I didn’t listen to another podcast, I just thought about this sentence, how Bryan Johnson craves hard work and is grateful for the opportunity to work on hard problems.   That concept has stunned me, it’s not at all the way I think at all.  I try and do things as easily (and ask quickly) as possible.  I leave hard things till the end and normally run out of time to do them.  I always feel that I have failed myself as a result.

I was walking and thinking about this, and I thought maybe I should make myself do “hard things” daily.  I was walking up a steep hill at the time so I started running up the hill.  The dog started running too and she was so excited that she was pulling me up the hill, so it didn’t end up being all my work and my effort getting up the hill, I had help.  I think often when you work hard on something, sometimes others help you on your journey.

There is also reward from hard work.  Each morning I walk to the jetty (now I don’t consider my 4am 14K walks hard work at all, they are a joy) there is a beautiful breeze.  Today it was windy and there was light rain.  It’s was such a beautiful sensory experience.  Sunrise at 5am is still a few months off, but the sunrise at the end of the jetty just adds to the sensory pleasure, and also the daily achievement of touching the end.

So then, with hard work, sometimes there is help, there are rewards, there is a sense of purpose, a sense of pride.   I need to think about this more but I want to increase my level of hard work.  Really not sure how this is going to look in my life.  Maybe I need to listen to this podcast again.

Today’s treasures

eggs treasure

The eggs are from a nest in the garden of one of my walking friends.  I also found $5.70 and an apple charger.  Love to find treasures on my walks.  It’s one of the bounties of walking.  Finding treasures is more common in Spring.  Summer is wonderful too as there is fruit to pick.

Unmistakable Creative – Harnessing the Power of Your Authentic Voice – Todd Henry

Srini interviews Todd Henry on the release of his new book “Louder than Words – Harnessing the Power of Your Authentic Voice”.    The book is about developing your authentic voice, so that your body of work will stand out.

This podcast is one that will require many re-listens, Henry shared so much wisdom.

Take aways:

When writing, try and impact one person.  Write for one specific person, and that way when others read your writing it will feel like it was written for them.

Mastery is a daily practice – do your thing (eg, writing, drawing) each day.  The more you do it, the stronger and more compelling your voice will become.

Freedom can come with limited options – you can run with what you have given your limited options and make the best with options available.

Finite focus – say no to things outside our your purpose.  Resources, time, energy all need to be spent on our purpose.

Don’t be indecisive – make a decision and act.  If you make the wrong decision, you can change it later.

Insights for me

This will be my next audible book – sadly Henry doesn’t read it (I usually only buy audible books if the author reads them), but from listening to Henry on this podcast I think the book will be incredible.

Henry spoke about energy and how to have the energy to get all this done each day.  Energy is definitely something I struggle with and have days where I get little done as I am so tired.  This has definitely gotten a lot better for me, but I definitely want the book to hear more.  Most books of this type do not talk about energy, so this is interesting for me.

The writing to one person – so for me, in regards to this blog – I am writing mostly for myself – what I can learn from listening to podcasts and sharing that. So I guess I am writing to a 40 something confused mother who doesn’t know what to do with the rest of her life, when it’s all been about her children (and mostly still is).  I hope in the future others will be able to comment on the same podcasts and come up with their insights.

Finite focus – “focus” has been my buzz word for the year.  I’ve been working hard in finding ways I can “focus” at my desk (in terms of working) and also what I am “focused” on.  For this year (and next) my focus has been and will be on comping (entering competitions is my hobby) but I haven’t had much luck despite quite a lot of work.  In the back of my mind I’ve been thinking about writing and starting a blog, but didn’t know what it could be about until I realised a few days ago that I could write about what I learn from podcasts.    I’ve recently read ‘The One Thing’ which is a book about finite focus, and recommends spending four hours a day doing your ‘one thing’.  I have managed that a few days, but really hard with my children.

Tai Lopez – Inside The Mind Of Elon Musk: My Interview With Ashlee Vance – easiest link I could find, I listen on itunes as I’m subscribed to Tai’s podcast.

Tai Interviews Ashelee Vance, who is the author of “Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future”. Vance was granted about 30 hours of interviews with Musk.  The interview gives listeners an insight into how Musk operates.

Take aways

Think big – do big things – narrow goals/priorities, go after it with everything you have.

Don’t take no for an answer/believe in yourself.  In 2008 Elon had invested all his money from the sale of paypal and didn’t have enough money to pay rent, but yet he kept going and grew his new businesses. Vance tells how he was interviewing for this book for two years before Musk agreed to be interviewed – Vance kept going despite dark times, and in the end Musk granted him a lot of interview time so he could complete the book.

Personal Insight

I love that both Vance and Musk kept going despite hardship.  I need to remember that, just keep going and things will work out.

Intro and bio

Walking and podcasts are my two great loves, they are my escape from the stress of life. I’m an auditory learner and I find listening to podcasts and audio books the best way for me to learn and consume content.  I listen to self development  podcasts mostly, podcasters who like me are struggling with their sense of their place in the world, and are trying to find the answers through interviewing authors, entrepreneurs and other interesting people.

I’ve always loved walking but have had a fitbit for almost three years now and do a minimum of 20,000 steps a day.  I walk at 4am each morning to about 6.30am.  I walk to the end of a jetty and touch the end.  Walking alone is a wonderful time to listen to podcasts. I talk to many other walkers and enjoy the social aspect of walking, so am definitely not always listening.

I’m a 45 year old stay at home mother with older teenagers and am searching for what my big thing is, what my purpose is other than being a mother/carer.  Podcasts are my way of gathering clues on my quest, and although I’ve been listening to podcasts since 2008, I never written down what I have learned from podcast listening.  This blog is an effort to change that. I plan to write about what I have learned from the podcasts I listen to daily.